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Drawing Course

Training course in Drawing

The courses were designed to improve theoretical knowledge of art as well as master practical skills in drawing and painting. You will acquire new skills, try working in a number of techniques and with different materials, receive the knowledge which is indispensable for a painter.

The course program includes:

  • Using a perspective;
  • Drawing simple shapes and space;
  • Hatching;
  • Painting with different materials (sanguine, coal, sauce crayons, etc,);
  • Drawing complex objects (architecture, human body);
  • Working with volumes;
  • Drawing in different techniques (random hatching, blot drawing, inking and other).

Some beginners consider the drawing course dull and try to skip this part going straight to working with paints. However, it is important to bear in mind that a messy drawing will result in a messy painting. Practicing in drawing you will learn the right way to hold instruments which will be indispensable at further stages. You will learn to see and analyze objects and their shapes like a painter, your vision will become sharper.

Drawing Course (8 classes)

UNIT 1. (Drawing with pencils of different hardness). Fundamentals of drawing.)

1st class (1.5 h) – Perspective and how to use it.

Drawing a cube (gypsum object). The main objectives of the class include learning how to represent a three-dimensional object on a flat sheet of paper and how to use perspective in drawing of a simple object. Sight-size method.

2nd class (1.5 h) – Simple objects. Arrangement of visual elements on a drawing.

At this class we will not only draw geometrical shapes but also learn how to arrange them and how to determine proportions. Finding correct format. Construction lines. Multiple dimensions in a drawing.

3rd class (1.5 h) – Volume and hatching. Shading and tone. Working with lines.

We will learn how to draw light and shadow, how to perform shading and create gradient.

We will talk about the light and shadow and how they give volume to objects.

Blot drawing technique.

4th class (3 h. Consolidation). – Final still life drawing.

Consolidation of the skills. Final pencil drawing.

UNIT 2 (painting with different materials and in different techniques).

5th class (1.5 h) – Soft drawing materials.

We will try using soft drawing materials (sanguine, coal and sauce crayons), learn about stumping and combination of different materials on a tinted paper. We will learn to draw with light mediums on dark backgrounds.

At the end you will have a series of drawings which you can finish later. Only constant practice will ensure improvement of your drawing skills.

6th class (1.5 h) – Drawing of natural forms.

We will switch from geometric shapes to natural forms. We will learn how to feel and reproduce true shape and depth of objects.

Students work with soft materials of their choice.

7th class (1.5 h) – Quick sketches.

We will practice in making quick sketches of the objects around us with the drawing materials of the student’s choice.

This is a very important and interesting class. Making quick sketches (and focusing on quantity rather than quality) you will improve your attention and spacial thinking. Your brain switches from “construction of composition” to “capturing essence of objects”.

We will talk about generalization and detalization.

You can finish later at home all drawings started in class.

8th class (3h. Unit consolidation) – Final drawing.

Final drawing to consolidate the skills acquired during the classes. Still life composition featuring several different objects. Drawing material of the student’s choice.

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